Wind Dances
Rouge River Winds presents “Wind Dances”, featuring the winners of our 2017-18 solo competition, Danielle Sum (marimba) and Subrina Sookram (flute).
Saturday, June 9, 7:30 PM
Scarborough Citadel (2021 Lawrence Ave. E. Scarbourough, ON)
Underground parking available
Buy your tickets before June 7, 2018 and SAVE $5! Contact us at if you\’d like to purchase advance tickets.
Advance Ticket Prices (until June 7, 2018): $15 Adults, $10 Students/Seniors/Arts Workers
Door Ticket Prices: $20 Adults, $15 Students/Seniors/Arts Workers
Here is a sneak peak at what we are playing:
Illyrian Dances (Woolfenden)
Divertimento for Flute (Reed)
Concerto for Marimba (Rosauro)
Armenian Dances, Part I (Reed)